Join Sunday Chat on The Last Nomad

So the plan is...

After the recently held #TheLastNomad micro-tale challenge, here's a chance for us to meet again.

Join me in a live chat on 11th December between 5pm to 6pm IST(the true Indian Standard Time and not the Indian Samjhauta Time!) at and freely share your thoughts on passion, identity, fear and love. Because, this is exactly the experience awaiting you in The Last Nomad! Join Sunday Chat on The Last Nomad.

So, what if you haven't read the novella, here's a glimpse in one line: 'an intriguing journey of Rahul and Ryan being set free from the identities they have assumed.'

But before we catch up maybe you'll like to watch the readers' praise for The Last Nomad:

Here's what you can choose to begin with:
Tell me about one of your favourite romantic, thriller, suspense or mystery story.
Or it could be a movie or a song which made you pause and think.
And of course any of your experiences which left in you in awe!

Get your steaming coffee or adrak chai and join Sunday Chat on The Last Nomad on 11th December between 5pm to 6pm IST.

Spread the word. Let’s have a good time.

Can't participate in the live chat?
Post your thoughts now as comments below or email them to connectinsight@gmail with the subject 'The Last Nomad | Live Chat'. Promise to reply to each comment and email by Sunday, 11th December.

See you on Sunday.

Get your Kindle copy of The Last Nomad at a special price on Amazon.

Or the crisp-paged, sweet-smelling paperbacks here:

I would love to read your reviews on Goodreads:

The book has also found its place in Bengaluru's The Bookworm: and Pune's Pagdandi - Books Chai Cafe:

To tickle you before I take your leave...
What more are we but living stories? What will be left of us if all our identities disappear, even for a moment?
'May you find your true story.'

 Join Sunday Chat on The Last Nomad.

- हेरंब
Author of The Last Nomad
