Sinking by Anu Shah | Words Can Heal

I am sinking
Low, low, and deep
I hear her voice and I try to peep
But I am sinking 
from where I can't come back
I wanted to tell her,
don't be afraid
I will rise again
She believes in phoenix
but she is scared
Our eyes met and we both saw
the pain we endured
I saw her through 
the slits of my eyes
and I told her this is
just my reverie
which I'll wake up from is my promise
Now she smiles at me 
holding me with a grip,
Grip with promise of 
not letting me go
She found her phoenix
her own phoenix

–Anu Shah

This poem was published as a part of the 'Words Can Heal' series. You too can participate and explore your creative side. To know more, read this blog post.

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